Accredited Flow Coaches Represent the Gold Standard for Performance Coaching
A Flow Coach Credential is a professional certification indicating that you have completed a rigorous credentialing process designed to develop and refine your performance coaching skills and ability to improve HUMAN performance. It means that you meet the International Coaching Federation's (ICF) standards and the Flow Coaching Federation's (FCF) accreditation criteria.
Holding a recognised credential is extremely important in today’s coaching profession. According to the Global Consumer Awareness Study, over 85% of coaching clients (higher for organisations) say it’s important that propective coaches hold a certification or credential.
Historically, anyone could call themselves a coach. Today coaching is one of the fastest growing industries. Clients now demand credentialed coaches who have met stringent education and experience requirements, and abide to coaching competencies, coaching ethics, and a coaching code of conduct.
What is Flow Coaching?
The Gold Standard for Performance Coaching
What is a Flow Coaching Credential?
"It gives me the credibility, confidence, and freedom to coach"
A FCF Credential is a professional certification indicating that you have met specific standards and requirements designed to develop and refine your coaching skills. It is an indication that you are:
Adequately trained to work with others and increase HUMAN performance
Upholding strong principles of ethical behavior in coaching
Apart of a coaching body committed to upholding coaching standards
Committed to the coaching industry
A professional Flow Coach
The Flow Coaching credentials are:
Flow Practitioner (Level 1)
Practicing HUMAN performance
Completed 60 hours of flow coach specific education and demonstrates competence in integrating this learning into practice.
Flow Coach (Level 2)
Coaching HUMAN performance
Completed 145 hours of coach specific education and demonstrates competence in coaching others to improve HUMAN performance.
How Do I Earn a Flow Coaching Credential?
Take the Flow Coach Accreditation. A 6 month course designed to qualifiy you as a Flow Coach.
Get practicing. Coaching experience before, during, and after the course will help to evolve your coaching practice.
Mentorship & Supervision
Receive mentorship and supervision to strengthen your skills and ensure you meet the FCF Core Competencies.
Take the Flow Coach Assessment. Pass a performance evaluation of your coaching to ensure you meet the FCF core competencies and ICF code of ethics and conduct. Complete a written report on the imporance of Flow Coaching.
What are the Flow Coaching Core Competencies?
Demonstrates Professionalism
1. Displays ethical practice
2. Manages the session time
3. Uses clear and concise language
4. Allows client to do most of the talking
5. Demonstrates clear understanding of client's background, biography, biology, situation
6. Does not breach and boundaries
7. Respects coaching authority
Embodies a Coaching Mindset
8. A mindset that is open, curious, flexible
9. Client-centred. Helps client to establishes session agenda
10. Builds rapport and initially matches the client
11. Demonstrates active listening
12. Maintains presence
13. Cultivates safety and trust
14. Evokes awareness where possible
Demonstrates a Holistic Approach
15. Multi-disciplined: Helps client to understand their physiology, psychology, and neuro activity
16. Multi-contextual: Examines the individual, context, and environment
17. Multi-perceptual: Examines clients subjective experience, feedback from others, and perspectives form clients empowered position
18. Multi-modal: Coaches from head, heart, gut and intuition
Competent in Flow Practices
19. Assists client’s focus towards flow and optimal functioning
20. Works to improve the client’s experiential intelligence
21. Helps client to shift towards a flow approach (learn, grow, flow)
22. Highlights specific flow drivers, values or leadership principles
23. Identifies clear points of distraction or conflict
24. Forms a future vision of flow
25. Enables an opportunity for greater internal harmony within the client
26. Utilises the Flow Model and/or Flow Mindset
27. Embodiment: Helps client to embody the situation and move towards embodied learning
28. Celebrates any flow experiences
Demonstrates a Session Flow
29. Creates a coaching bubble
30. Displays intuitive coaching skills
31. The session finds its own flow
Empowers Change
32. Examines deeper structures to presented issue: values, beliefs, mindset
33. Challenges client’s comfort zones, deletions, exaggerations, skewed perspectives, disempowerment
34. Creates space for transformation
35. Ensures client takes ownership of any shift or change
36. Shows competency in working with deeper patterns of conflict
37. Partners with client to create new habits
Highlights Clear Learnings & Accountable Actions
38. Asks client to highlight main learnings of session
39. Asks client to assess value/helpfulness of session
40. Co-creates action steps
41. Challenges detail of accountability
42. Celebrates growth and journey of the flow coaching process
What is Flow Coach Education?
Flow Coach Education is facilitated by our training director and guest speakers who are experts in their field to ensure you get the very best training.
This course includes content from postgraduate coaching, psychology, NLP, counselling, and neuroscience, as well as foundational and advanced coaching skills. The course content is split into 5 main modules:
Coaching Foundations (Level 1)
HUMAN Performance (Level 1)
Facilitating Flow (Level 1)
Coaching Professionally (Level 2)
Flow Coaching Practices (Level 2)
Each module takes a deep dive into the latest scientific insights and provides the opportunity to put this theory into practice.
"Cameron leads this course with so much wisdom and intuition and really helps nurture each individual to become the best coach that they can be. Receiving feedback from him as well as the other course participants was instrumental and an incredible opportunity to help me fine tune my own skills and see spots where I could grow."
Justine - FCA Alumni
"It's calorie dense, both academically rigorous and practically focused. I know this is going to sound cheesy, but honestly, it was life-changing."
Carlos Marin - FCA Alumni & Executive Leadership Coach
"After finishing this course, I am so inspired about my future potential in accessing flow states and in coaching flow and others. I definitely recommend this course."
Josie McKee - Climber & Flow Seeker
What Does a Flow Coach Do?
Coach people to improve HUMAN performance through integrating the principles of flow.
How Does a Flow Coach Work With Organisations?
We were the first organisation globally to train Flow Coaches and we continue to set the industry standard for Flow Coaching.
We have spent decades culminating the latest scientific research and practical insights to find the systemic code that enables all professionals to be their best.
We have used this code to help athletes become World Champions and organisations to optimise their culture and the performance of their teams.
Let us take you through our unique code and proven process so that you can develop the specific drivers, values, and leadership principles that foster and facilitate HUMAN performance.
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